Letter From Our President & CEO – November 10th, 2023
If you haven’t driven by 1604 Honeysuckle Street in Lowell to see YOUR Northwest Arkansas Food Bank, I encourage you to do so. It is a sight to behold, but more importantly, it is another example of the Northwest Arkansas community working together to make our corner of the world a better place to live for all of us. It will be a tool in our fight against food insecurity for years to come. You may ask yourself “why it is so big?”. The short answer is that we are building for the next 25 plus years when our population will be well over 1 million. We could not do this without the support of the community. To those 300+ donors who have contributed to the Capital Campaign, I share my most heartfelt thanks. To those who haven’t contributed to it, there is still time to be part of a mission that we all can be proud of well into the next generation.
Speaking of the next generation, the Eikengirls are now 13 and 11. Yesterday I went to Mass at St. Joseph’s in Fayetteville to watch them be altar servers. As I sat there watching them, I asked myself “when did they grow up”? Just yesterday they were babies, now they are beautiful young ladies. Pops is proud! What does that have to do with the Food Bank you might ask? The short answer is that all of us need to do whatever we can for not only those who need our help today, but also for the next generation. Tomorrow will be here before you know it and, just like that, all the babies have grown up. We have to work together to break the cycle of poverty. Together we can make a difference.
The holidays are just around the corner. It is regularly documented about increased stress around the holidays. There are many reasons for this: cooler weather, higher utilities, seasonal jobs such as landscaping slow down, even the fact that we leave for work in the dark and go home in the dark has an impact on each of us. Yes, stress impacts all those around us. Especially our food insecure neighbors. Our role is to help reduce that stress by putting food in local pantries who in turn distribute it to those in need. The fourth quarter is critical for our continued success. We need your help. Year-end giving helps support us through the lean first quarter of the year.
For your support, as always, I thank you.
As this year comes to a close, I want to restate how grateful I am for the support you, the community have given the Food Bank and our mission. To say we couldn’t survive without you would be an understatement. As you have heard me say so many times before……………..
Because of you someone will eat today.
Thank you to the Conagra Brands Foundation for your generous grant to support our mission!
Conagra Brands and the Conagra Brands Foundation have been partners in the fight against hunger for close to a decade, and for much longer than that, have provided thought leadership among industry peers and nonprofits, invested in innovation and research, and engaged employees in the mission to end domestic hunger.
We are excited that they continue to support the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank and our mission to fight hunger in the NWA region
Pictured: Northwest Arkansas Food Bank President/CEO Kent Eikenberry and Rep. Rebecca Burkes
We are honored to receive a Serving Up Solutions Grant from the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance.
Every year, the Arkansas Hunger Relief Alliance puts on “Serving Up Solutions,” a dinner where state legislators serve meals prepared by top local chefs, all while competing for tips that fundraise for hunger relief. Thank you to the alliance for supporting solutions to end food insecurity!
Special thanks to Kitestring Technical Services and Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) for your donations to further our mission to end hunger in NWA.
Danielle and Brittany stand in the main meeting room of Positive Energy Affecting Recovering LIVES.
At the We Are Nourished Food Pantry inside Trinity United Methodist Church, Stephanie finds options for every member of her family. She guides her daughters and their shopping cart along the food pantry’s shelves, picking out ingredients for dinners and snacks.
The food pantry is one of 110+ agency partners of the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank.
“It’s helped a lot,” she said. “It helps that the church is close to where we live.”
Here, neighbors can pick what they want directly in a shopping-like experience. The pantry provides a variety of food and household items, from hygiene care products and pet food to baked goods and frozen meat.
“We like the different options every week, for both kids and adults,” Stephanie said.
We Are Nourished Food Pantry, a ministry of Trinity United Methodist Church, is open on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 1021 Sycamore Street in Fayetteville. They can be contacted at 479-530-4395.
For a free homecooked dinner with drive-through convenience, visit Christ the King Lutheran Church’s Feast of Grace and Food Pantry in Bentonville.
“We’ll serve a hundred meals a night,” said Barbara, the pantry director. “Everything’s pretty much drive-through. They just tell us how many they want and we take it out to them.”
This particular night’s meal was chicken noodle casserole, with apple sauce, dessert and bottled water.
In addition to the dinners, the agency also offers once-a-month food support with prepacked boxes as “basically an emergency pantry. We offer approximately three days worth of food for anyone that comes in,” Barbara said.
For both the dinners and the pantry box, there are no qualifications or residency requirements.
When you first arrive, pull into the parking lot near the entry table. A volunteer will give you a registration form and ask how many meals you need, if you want a pantry box, or if you are picking up both. They’ll also ask if you need any extras like toiletries, soap or laundry detergent.
The Northwest Arkansas Food Bank supplies food to Christ the King Lutheran Church, one of 110+ agency partners across the region. The pantry has been supporting the community since 1996.
The Feast of Grace and Food Pantry at Christ the King Lutheran Church is open on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at 406 W. Central Avenue in Bentonville. They can be contacted at 479-271-7117.
We are excited to see amazing progress on the new Center for Hunger Relief! If you haven’t seen it for yourself, we encourage you to drive by the intersection of Highway 71 and Pleasant Grove Road in Lowell. This new building will allow us to serve more people than ever for the next several years.
For more information on Feeding America please visit: www.feedingamerica.org
NWAFB is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, all donations made are tax exempt. TIN# 71-0680830
1604 Honeysuckle Street
PO BOX 2126
Lowell AR 72745-2126
Phone (479) 872-8774
Fax (479) 872-8777
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