A year ago, the Northwest Arkansas Food Bank hired Casey Cowan, to be the director of client data tracking. This new position was made possible through the generous funding of the Walmart Foundation. Ms. Cowan was tasked with researching the many different client data tracking programs available and determining the best one to implement within the Food Bank’s member agencies. In April 2017, the Food Bank officially launched their new client data tracking system, Oasis Insight Plus.
The program is a web-based tracking system that gives the Food Bank and its agencies the ability to customize and grow as their needs change. The goal of the new program is to acquire better demographics from member agencies and their clients in order to tell a more detailed story of who is served by the Food Bank.
“By doing this, we hope to learn how to serve our clients better and become a better liaison to our agencies,” Cowan said. “It is important for us to understand who the food insecure truly are in our four-county area so we can develop the most sustainable approach to shortening the line.”
In Benton, Washington, Madison, and Carroll counties there are more than 70,000 people who are food insecure.
“By tracking such demographics as income source, USDA eligibility, employment status and residential status, we hope to work with our partner agencies to understand the many factors that cause people in our community to become food insecure as well,” Cowan said.
“So far, we have implemented Oasis Insight Plus into four food pantries, and one mobile pantry, with the hope of implementing the CDT program into 85 percent of our more than 150 member agencies by the end of 2018, she said.
“It is our hope to understand who is in the line and why so we can truly become part of the solution,” she added.
For more information on Feeding America please visit: www.feedingamerica.org
NWAFB is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, all donations made are tax exempt. TIN# 71-0680830
1604 Honeysuckle Street
PO BOX 2126
Lowell AR 72745-2126
Phone (479) 872-8774
Fax (479) 872-8777
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